Pretty good right? Well not according to the wood block that holds those sticks. I was just plain DUMB! What? How can that be! Am I really!?! If that is the case then maybe I shouldn't be going to seminary. Man I wish I had this wood block a couple of years ago it would have saved me lots of trouble.
I sat at that restaurant for almost thirty minutes trying to figure out how to get rid of all of the sticks except for one, and failed every time. At one point I had two left which made me smart according to the block, but I wanted to be a genius with only one. Yet I failed every single stinkin' time!
My wife must of seen my frustration of falling short of perfection, so she sought one out and bought me that stupid little game. That was nice of her except now it just tormented me, laughed at me, and mocked me because I couldn't do it!
Well, I know you guys really care, but according to the block I am now a stinkin' genius! Yep, I finally did it and memorized how to do it so that if I went back to it at anytime of feeling or being stupid I would be reminded, according to the block, I am a genius.
I don't know if you have things in your life like this little block that will bug you until you get them right, but for some reason I find those things and have to figure them out. I was looking at the game for a bit after solving it and thought to myself, "That is probably how Christ wants me to chase after Him." I wanted perfection in that game and Christ wants perfection in my life. Which do I try harder for? A game made of wood or Christ? The little areas in my life where I have three sticks instead of one, being Christ, I should pursue with great ambition. Hmmm.
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