Monday, July 27, 2009

Why Sin at all?

Sorry I didn't think I would put so much thought into my last blog, but I can't help but talk on part two of non posse peccare. If we were at a state where we were able not to sin (posse non peccare) why didn't God just make it in the beginning where we were unable to sin (non posse peccare)? If God's intent for us from the very beginning was to be without sin, why do you think he allowed us to sin? Can I answer this quickly? No, but let's see how I do.


The greatest resolution found for answering the reason why God chose to give mankind the choice over sin was avoiding making us into machines.

When we build machines for our benefit they have a desired role to perform. Usually, when the machine doesn't reach that desired intent we go and buy a new machine. For example, a blender that no longer blends needs to be replaced. Machines don't have a choice. They are built to perform and a specific result is expected. A coffee machine better make coffee, another example of mechanicalism.

God created all things to glorify Him. We see some machine type creations all around us that glorify His name specifically in one intention. An example may be true referring to a tree or a flower, their existence is always the same. They perform a specific role without any real choice and perform it beautifully. Yet, humans are different. We have choice, we are not locked into one set of expectation. There is one great expectation, which is following God, but we still get to choose.


Unlike any other creation we have the right to choose. Adam and Eve were given the opportunity to choose God or something other than Him. We all know what they did but this illustrates my point that God created them to love Him through choice.

God knowing that He wanted a unique relationship with humanity created us with the ability to choose Him willingly, which sadly allowed the opportunity for sin. For we know that choosing anything besides God is sin and distances ourselves from Him.

"Are you saying that God made sin so we could choose Him?" If you're thinking that, stop for a second and let me rephrase. What I believe I am saying is "God allowed the potential for sin, so that we could love Him."* I believe in order for us to truly love God, as God intended us too and wanted, we had to have the potential to say no. With that potential there came great consequences for refusing His love because when you choose something other then God, you're choosing something that is against your best interest.

Later Part 3 -Consequences of Choosing

*Mechanicalism is not a word it is a JACOBISM yet I believe that its intent is self explanatory.

*I assert that I don't know everything so don't take this to the bank, it just makes sense to me.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Non posse peccare

We have been in our new home for a month now and have enjoyed the time here very much. Our days are full of laughter and rest. It has been different not having to go to work everyday but those days will come when school starts. I have greatly enjoyed the time I have been able to spend with my family. Swimming, puzzles, hide and seek, and many other wonderful events have filled my days. Often when the kids go to bed I have had the privilege to do some important and fulfilling reading, which leads me to this blog.

For those out there that don't like philosophy and start to go to sleep when the very word is mentioned please bare with me for a sec. I was forced to ponder on something that Augustine said as I was reading a philosophy book about our wonderful savior, Jesus Christ, and that statement is "Non posse pecccare."

When Adam and Eve were created their human nature was posse non peccare, which means able not to sin. I don't know if you have ever thought how that might have been, but I have. We face evil everyday, it surrounds us. Turn on the TV and you will see it. Can you imagine a time where people never tasted sin? News stations would be in serious trouble. What would they report?

"Again today everybody did what was right and nothing went wrong. Today in the weather..."

Instead, we see stories about rapes here, theft over there, murders far and wide, etc... People don't refrain from sinning at all. I must be honest and I find myself falling short of perfection and feel extremely discouraged at times which leads us into non posse non peccare where we are unable not to sin.

Trapped by our own lust we cannot ever go back to posse non peccare as God intended us in the beginning. Being born into sin we find it impossible to avoid sin. Trust me, if you disagree with me take my daughters for a day and you see the implications of being born into sin. Contemplate over this, you have never known a day without sin. Temptations everywhere we go force us to remember that we can't escape it, that is until Christ, one day we will face "Non posse peccare" which victoriously means will not BE ABLE to sin.

Imagine that! No really please stop for a second and think about it. For those in Christ we face a day where you and I will be unable to harm God or each other. Redemption is coming. We will live lives that bring about great things. At the time that which Christ redeems us we will face God's grace and only be able to do that which is HOLY.

No longer will you have to worry about talking about somebody behind their back because you WILL NOT do it. No longer will you be able to lie, cheat, hurt, or any other atrocious act. Can't! It will be, consider this, out of your very nature to do such things. A horse by itself can't fly because it is restricted by natural laws from doing so and so will we, by the grace of God, be from sinning.

Non posse peccare is a day that I look forward to enjoying. The peace, rest, and serenity will be a day, no an eternality, of worship to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


You may have seen these little buggers at someones house and given this little game a shot. I did at one of the famous Cracker Barrel franchises on the way down to Texas. I understood the rules and gave it my best shot. On my first try I had three sticks left.

Pretty good right? Well not according to the wood block that holds those sticks. I was just plain DUMB! What? How can that be! Am I really!?! If that is the case then maybe I shouldn't be going to seminary. Man I wish I had this wood block a couple of years ago it would have saved me lots of trouble.

I sat at that restaurant for almost thirty minutes trying to figure out how to get rid of all of the sticks except for one, and failed every time. At one point I had two left which made me smart according to the block, but I wanted to be a genius with only one. Yet I failed every single stinkin' time!

My wife must of seen my frustration of falling short of perfection, so she sought one out and bought me that stupid little game. That was nice of her except now it just tormented me, laughed at me, and mocked me because I couldn't do it!

Well, I know you guys really care, but according to the block I am now a stinkin' genius! Yep, I finally did it and memorized how to do it so that if I went back to it at anytime of feeling or being stupid I would be reminded, according to the block, I am a genius.

I don't know if you have things in your life like this little block that will bug you until you get them right, but for some reason I find those things and have to figure them out. I was looking at the game for a bit after solving it and thought to myself, "That is probably how Christ wants me to chase after Him." I wanted perfection in that game and Christ wants perfection in my life. Which do I try harder for? A game made of wood or Christ? The little areas in my life where I have three sticks instead of one, being Christ, I should pursue with great ambition. Hmmm.