Sunday, June 28, 2009
Far Away and Thinking
Call it a pull I guess. A small gentle compelling pull. Delicate, but convicting enough to understand that God wants me to move on. We all have chapters in our lives that need to be finished and new ones began.
It wouldn't be so hard to move on but I have loved ones. Family, my friends and my history was wrapped up in Washington. Moving has been a numbing experience. Sitting here looking out my window, I realize that those things are very far away from me. I miss them, long to be with them again.
With that said though, here I am grateful for all the things that the Lord has done for me. I love the fact that I am at peace with God by following his calling, and yet still at times wondering what am I doing? The Lord knows and the next few years of preparation for the future are going to be such a big eye opening experience. He knows what He is doing.
In closing I want to state that there is no place that I would rather be then here. I know He wants me here. He has made that clear. He has opened so many doors and when I look back through all of them I am reminded of His faithfulness and His blessings!
You have my attention Lord, lead the way...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fun for ME
We have all seen that old lady that is driving with the well over sized sunglasses haven’t we? Well, a buddy of mine found a wonderful, priceless, artifact on the side of the road the other day. When seeing these well overpriced sunglasses just sitting in the road he had to retrieve them and put them to use.
I fulfilled their destiny at work last week wearing them almost all day. These glasses are incredible! They almost cover my whole face! They hide all the flaws on my face and provide a great source of protection for the eyes.

The only downside that I found by wearing them is the weird looks people give you when you wear them. Yet, I haven’t determined if they were looking at me because of the weird glasses or if it was just me in general. Anyways I had fun with them and when I get older I may look into get a pair for myself someday.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Those Little Things

Then there was my daughter's bike. For over six months I walked by that bike and every time I did I remembered I needed to get a tire for it. I just always seemed to forget about it when I went to the store. Then the great day of my memory actually working came and I bought a tire for the bike. As any proud father would be at fulfilling what he told his daughter he would do I proudly replaced that tire just to find out that the other tire was also flat, prolonging the bike to be rode for another couple weeks. Finally the great day came and her first attempts on the bike were ones to be cherished.
Whether its the lawn needing to be mowed, or the cloths needing to be folded there always seem to be something needing to be done. Some of them usually get done while special projects never get done. Those that never get done, they are the ones that I am talking about. They sit there to bug us. Poke us. Remind us that we always have something to do.
The funny thing about those tasks is that when they are done it seems for me that I have removed one of those pesky fingers from poking me, allowing me to rest for a bit. Not for long because I know that there is another prolonged project on the way.