Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Love

To My Love

Tomorrow marks the day of seven years of wonder for me. How did God line me up with you? You are so wonderful and I have enjoyed every moment. God has blessed us with many spectaular moments. I love the fact that you have always had fun with me. Laughed with me even when my jokes were dumb. You have made me feel very special and loved.

I remember telling you the very first date that we were going to have fun. I have had fun and I know you have too. The road has just begun and I am looking forward to the many days ahead.

Thanks again cakes for everything you have done for me. You have been such a blessing and I love the fact that we respect each other and love each other so much and it's known by everyone that sees us.

For those that are reading this and are single I hope you find that person that completes you. I have and she is worth more than anything in this world. A woman that stands behind you supporting you is so wonderful and gives me much courage to handle many difficult situations.

I love you so much and look forward to many great years ahead.